Sunday, December 28, 2014

So you just got a new Android smartphone ...

So, you just got a new Android smartphone — that's pretty exciting! But once the initial awe of this new gadget wears off, you realize you actually need to use that phone. For those of us who read (and write for) Android Central regularly a new phone isn't such a big deal, but if you've just received your firstAndroid phone it can be a bit daunting.
But that's what we're here for — with a little research you'll have your new Android up and running, and you'll be a pro in no time at all. Read along with us and see the first things you need to do with your new phone.

Where to get started

  • First thing's first — you'll need a Google Account to get started with your Android phone. If you have Gmail you have a Google Account already, and if not you can make one either online or when you first set up your phone. This single account unleashes the power of Google Play for apps, but also Gmail, YouTube and sync in Chrome.
  • Just as important, let's talk about security. Set up Android Device Manager so you can keep your data safe if your phone is lost or stolen.
  • Coming from an iPhone? You'll probably want to know how to get your iTunes music over onto Android.
  • Once the music is on the device, check out our favorite music player apps.
  • Don't care for the look of your phone's software? Consider a third-party launcher to customizethings a bit.
  • You'll probably spend some time in Google Play grabbing some new apps. Check out our app reviews for information, read our weekly list of app picks every Sunday to see what we're all using and browse the app gallery for all of the apps we recommend.
  • For further learning, read all of the basic help and how-to posts we've written on our main How To page.

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