CES 2015 is coming up fast, and Qualcomm wants you to know that you'll be seeing new hardware with a Snapdragon 800-series processor inside. The close-up graphically-transparent (probably not actually like that in real life) phone in question has hints of an LG design, down to the metal-but-not-actually-metal finish back panel set around the signature back-mounted power and volume buttons. It's not any LG phone we've seen so far, and for all we know if might just be a generic render that just so happens to have design features in common with what we'd expect from LG... so what might this be?
If we were to go out on a limb, we might say this is the LG G Flex 2, a follow-up to the amazing bendy LG G Flex. LG originally pointed to 2014 for a release for the G Flex 2, but they're very quickly running out of time to unveil it. Might as well wait for CES, the biggest technology media extravaganza of the year, no?
And if we want to get really speculative, those buttons do have a squared-off look to them that's shared with the original G Flex, while bringing some of the design language of the LG G3 to the flex phone party.
Either way, we'll find out soon enough.
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